Pandemic Support: Tips for Staying Safe & Healthy

Wow, it's hard to believe that March is coming to an end, yet SO much has happened this month!

By now, hopefully you're aware of the magnitude of coronavirus, a novel viral strain that's responsible for the infectious disease COVID-19.

It's not easy (or fun) being stuck at home for the unforeseeable future, but it's crucial that we continue taking precautionary measures such as avoiding exposure and frequent hand washing/sanitizing.

It's also important to strengthen your immunity right now.

From a holistic health perspective, a strong immune system is supported by the health of your nervous system, respiratory system (i.e. lungs), and digestive system (i.e. gut).

Unfortunately, most of us aren't getting enough nutrients and experience nervous tension, including chronic stress, anxiety, and fatigue. 

And this can lead to a weakened immune system, which makes us moresusceptible to viral or bacterial infections.

Here are some quick tips and strategies for staying safe and healthy during this viral outbreak.

Tips for Staying Safe

At this time of this writing, coronavirus cases in the U.S. have climbed to over 60,000 (Source:WHO situation report), and this number is expected to increase.

By taking a few simple steps to avoid exposure, you can significantly reduce your chances of getting infected. 

1) Practice physical / social distancing
  • Stay home if you have any cold or flu like symptoms. What's tricky is that many of these symptoms are similar to those of COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by coronavirus.
  • Here's a graphic that can help you distinguish between symptoms likely caused by a cold, flu, allergies, or COVID-19.
Graphic the key differences between symptoms of cold flu allergies and coronavirus
  • Low risk individuals who have COVID-19, may display no to mild symptoms, must practice physical / social distancing as well. Otherwise, these stealth carriers could infect more vulnerable populations such as the elderly or immunocompromised.
  • While it's important to stay home right now, try to take time to get fresh air in an uncrowded space, preferably in nature. Otherwise, keep your distance (minimum 6 feet) from others. This is could be as simple as briefly stepping outside your home or opening a window.
2) Clean high touch surfaces daily
  • This includes, but is not limited to handrails, tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles (faucets, cabinets, fridge, toilet), desks, phones, keyboards, and tablets.
  • If a high touch surface is coated with dirt or grease (e.g. kitchen counter), clean the surface first with soap and water before sanitizing with a disinfectant spray or wipes. 
  • I like to keep a bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol outside my home to wipe down front door knobs, handrails, and my dog's paws being stepping inside.
3) Practice good hand hygiene
  • Wash your hands with a liquid or bar soap, for a minimum of twenty seconds. Make sure you get the front, back, in between fingers, and underneath fingernails.
  • Cleaning your hands with soap and water is much more effective than using a hand sanitizer, but if you're out running errands and can't get to a sink, then opt for an alcohol based version like my Germ Away Hand Sanitizer.
  • Using a hand sanitizer: if your hands are greasy or heavily soiled, from preparing foods, gardening, etc, a hand sanitizer may not be as effective (Source:; instead wet a napkin or towel with the hand sanitizer and use it to wipe excess dirt or grease off first
  • Make sure you rub the hand sanitizer all over your hands, in between fingers, underneath your fingernails, and allow it to dry completely. Do not wipe it off before it's gotten a chance to dry (Source:
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands. Coronavirus enters the body through nasal passages (i.e. nose, mouth) so it is important to practice this important habit

    Dry or Cracked Hands?

    Are your hands feeling dry or cracked from frequent hand washing /sanitizing?

    If so, use a quality hand cream or healing salve like Soothe Salve to moisturize your hands after washing or using a hand sanitizer.  

    This nourishing salve is packed with medicinal herbs and skin soothing ingredients that heal various skin ailments. 

    Soothe Salve also contains rosemary, eucalyptus, and lemongrass - three potent antimicrobials that offer extra protection against unwanted germs!

    Tips for Staying Healthy

    Fortunately, there are simple strategies that you can follow to boost your immunity, improve mood, and reduce stress.

    Want to learn more? 

    Check out my latest coronavirus support video:

    Coronavirus support video staying healthy

    Or download my Pandemic Support guide for tips on staying healthy & balanced. 

    How are you finding ways to take care of yourself right now? Please share below!

    Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical doctor and cannot diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information in this guide has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is provided for educational purposes only.


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