Give Yourself a Facial Gua Sha Massage at Home!

Most of us would love for our complexion to maintain its youthful glow. Unfortunately, as we age, our skin starts to lose its elasticity and suppleness, resulting in fine lines, uneven texture, and puffiness.

So what do we do? We often turn to expensive tools or procedures that help slow, or even reverse, the natural process of aging—often through very unnatural, and sometimes unsafe, means.

But if you’re looking for a natural and affordable way to keep your skin radiant and glowing, a wonderful option to consider is gua sha, a massage technique with a long history of use in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

gua sha massage benefits holistic health traditional chinese medicine

Gua sha, when used on the face or body, helps to relieve muscle tension, boost blood circulation, and promote lymphatic drainage.It also enhances the delivery of fresh oxygen and nutrients to various tissues throughout the body, which means a healthier glow for the skin!

Based on ancient Chinese healing practices, gua sha is now making a comeback and is here to stay because of its proven effects on overall health and vitality.

History of Gua Sha Massage

Translated from the Chinese words “scrape sand,” gua sha was traditionally performed by Chinese medical practitioners who used tools of various materials (e.g., ivory, bone, buffalo horn, porcelain, metal, etc.) to vigorously scrape the patient’s skin until it turned red.

Patients would develop petechiae—red or purple raised patches in the subcutaneous tissues —that indicated internal conditions of blood stasis or deficiency.

By intentionally causing petechiae to appear, a traditional gua sha treatment helped to clear blood stasis to promote improved blood flow and circulation.

According to, gua sha therapy dates back to the Paleolithic age and was first documented in medical records during the Ming dynasty in the 14th century CE.

Although gua sha remains one of the oldest forms of medical treatment in China, it continues to be highly regarded as an effective therapy for various ailments.

Recent studies, for example, have reported promising results of gua sha therapy in alleviating perimenopausal symptomsneck pain, and chronic back pain, as well as lessening the severity of diabetic peripheral neuropathy in patients

Modern Gua Sha Use

In ancient China, precious stones such as jade or bian were carved into slim tools for gua sha therapy. Now, with the rising popularity of crystals, gua sha tools carved out of rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz, and blue spot jasper gemstones are now available.

Facial Gua Sha Massage Tools

Free Flow Botanicals offers a wide variety of gemstone gua sha massage tools to satisfy your needs and preferences, whether you wish to perform gua sha on the body, face, or both.

And if you’re wondering how to pick the right stone for you, check out this gua sha massage tool guide to see which shape and style is best for you! 

This article will introduce the basics of facial gua sha, a modern variation of traditional gua sha therapy. Facial gua sha is a gentler massage technique that focuses on boosting lymphatic drainage by applying slow, light to medium pressure strokes to the face.

This technique not only offers benefits for the skin and appearance, but also provides an opportunity to ground and practice mindfulness during this relaxing self-care ritual.

Although there are no peer-reviewed studies on facial gua sha to date, many users have reported favorable results when a facial gua sha massage is performed regularly. 


    1. Brightens complexion by increasing blood flow and circulation
    2. Reduces puffiness around the cheeks, jawline, and undereye regions via lymphatic drainage 
    3. Firms and lifts the skin through the pulling sensation of gua sha that helps to break up fascia (the connective tissue surrounding your muscles
    4. Smoothes out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (a combined result of benefits 1-3)
    5. Reduces facial tension, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder through targeted facial muscle engagement
    6. Enhances the absorption of nourishing topicals (e.g. facial oils, creams, and serums) by unblocking pathways and increasing circulation

One of my customers, Stacey G., recently shared these gua sha before and after photos with me. She practiced facial gua sha massage two to three times a week for a month and was extremely pleased with the results: a brighter complexion, improved skin texture and tone, and a reduction in puffiness, especially around her cheeks and jawline.

gua sha massage tool benefits before after firming lifting sculpting toning

Give Yourself a Facial Massage at Home

Here are the basic steps for giving yourself a facial gua sha massage at home. For a more detailed overview of this technique, watch this step by step gua sha tutorial!

Step 1: Apply a quality facial mist and facial oil to clean skin. Using a facial mist hydrates your skin and primes it for optimal absorption of beauty products, while a facial oil gives your skin a bit of slip that allows your gua sha tool to glide effortlessly across your skin.

This product combination can also help to prevent any rashes or irritation on your skin when performing a facial gua sha massage.

Step 2: Hold the gua sha tool at a 15 to 30 degree angle and gently scrape along skin, using light to medium pressure to stimulate the movement of lymph. 

gua sha facial massage technique direction graphic

Step 3: Referencing the graphic above, move upwards along the neck (1), chin (2), cheeks (3), under eyes (4), forehead (5 and 6), and jawline (7). Finish by gently gliding your gua sha tool downwards towards the base of the neck (8) to allow lymph to drain into collecting ducts, where your body’s wastes can enter the bloodstream to be eliminated from your body.

Step 4: Clean tool with a mild soap cleanser, dry completely, and store.

Gua Sha Safety Precautions

While facial gua sha is a generally safe and noninvasive massage technique, it is not recommended for individuals with the following:

  • Active breakouts, inflamed skin, or irritated skin (e.g., acne, eczema, rosacea)
  • An infection, cyst, tumor, or wound that is not completely healed
  • Recent local injections (such as from botox)
  • An implant in areas of the chin, jaw, or cheeks
  • Medical conditions affecting the skin or veins (e.g., deep vein thrombosis)
  • Blood clotting disorders or who are on medication to thin blood

How to Get Started with Facial Gua Sha Massage!

Watch my video below, which includes a step-by-step tutorial on how to give yourself a gua sha facial massage to sculpt, lift, and de-puff your face—right in the comfort of your own home! 

Adding facial gua sha massage to your daily self care practice can offer many wonderful benefits for your skin and overall health.

It can also help you cultivate moments of self-love as you give yourself permission to slow down while tending to your skin.

With the proper technique and a consistent practice, you’ll be able to experience the lasting effects that gua sha massage has to offer.

Download my FREE Facial Massage Guide

Have you tried using a Gua Sha massage tool? What's your experience with it? Comment below!

Product photos taken by Julia Paras.



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